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School Commission

The overall purpose of the school commission is to advise and support the pastor and principal in the operation of the parish school. School Commissions may be responsible for the following:

  • Assessing the needs of the school community;
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the school in performing its educational and formational missions;
  • Recommending policies and conducting strategic planning for school operations;
  • Collaborating with the pastor and principal in educating the parish as a whole about the importance of the school, while building a sense of connection with the overall parish mission;
  • Collaborating with the pastor and principal in educating other parishes about the school’s mission;
  • Working collaboratively with the pastoral council and other consultative bodies.

Membership Composition

  • A diverse group that reflects the composition of the parish and the school;
  • A non-Catholic parent may be eligible to serve.

Archdiocese of Seattle. (n.d.). Many Gifts: Consultative Leadership (Revised Edition, 1008).

2022/2023 Commission Members

Elisabeth Albers, Corporate Relations Associate, Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, Former VCSA parent

Miguel Balderrama, Secretary, School Parent

Shannel Ball, School Parent

Jody DeGroot, Vice Principal, Bellarmine Preparatory School

Marianne Floyd, Former PSJXXIII Teacher

Chris Gavin, Chairperson Emeritus, Principal, Bellarmine Preparatory, St. Patrick School, Tacoma

David Mayer, Assistant Superintendent, Director of Early Childhood Education

Kathleen Mercer, Vice Principal, St. Charles Borromeo

Romela Neal, Chairperson, School Parent

Marie Nelson, School Parent

Allison Santos, Vice Chairperson, School Parent

Cynthia Stefani, School Parent

Enrique Urrieta, School Parent

Ex Officio Members

Fr. Tuan Nguyen, Pastor, Pope St. John XXIII Parish

Heather Liufau, Bookkeeper, Pope St. John XXIII STEM Academy

Marc Nuno, Principal, Pope St. John STEM Academy STEM Academy